Voice, Enunciation and Creative Instance in the Poetry of Ada Salas or the Absolute Power of the Word

Keywords: Ada Salas, Poetry of Silence, Religion, Poetry of Experience, «Descendimiento»


The poetry of Ada Salas is placed in an interposition. In her work we will not find the «normal», accessible, every day, contemporary man, that fictional self of the poetry of experience that lives in an urban and contemporary space, but neither will it be about the truth-poetry defended by Gamoneda; the male author, the female author, decides almost nothing and his/her will seems to be subject to the despotic designs of the poetic word; word turned into a goddess, into a kind of new religion.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez Lázaro, N. (2021). Voice, Enunciation and Creative Instance in the Poetry of Ada Salas or the Absolute Power of the Word. Cuadernos Para La Investigación De La Literatura Hispánica, (46), 63-87. https://doi.org/10.51743/cilh.vi46.178