The spatial and Sensory Projection in the Courtesan Mythological Comedy «El mayor encanto, amor» by Calderón
In the present work it is intended to elaborate the analysis of the spatial and sensory projection relative to the courtly mythological comedy El Mayor Encanto, Amor, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca, represented in the Big Pond of the Buen Retiro Palace in July of 1635 at the service of the scenic and technical requirements that a theatrical party of this nature implies according to social conventions and the category of spectator
to whom the piece was intended. In this way, and taking into account the rele-vance that has the construction of the dramatic space in Spanish Golden Age Theatre, this article studies the symbolic and sensory meanings presented by the dramatic space that the playwright designs according to the theatrical text and, of course, without forgetting the set of scenographic, literary and ideological elements with which a mythological festival is configured that functions as the perfect reflection of the society in which it has been generated.
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