The Descripción del Abadía. A Stage for a New Shepherd

Keywords: Lope de Vega, Abbey, Garden, Nature, Poetry


This work analyses the Descripción del Abadía, Jardín del Duque de Alba [Description of the Abbey, Garden of the Duke of Alba] the poem in which Lope de Vega portrayed the garden of the Alba family in Cáceres. First we analyse the dispositio and then delve into four topics: 1) the theatrical device; 2) the poet and the construction of the first person; 3) love; and 4) the garden. An apparently conventional poem, devoted to praising the glory of the House of Alba, thus becomes a text in which Lope de Vega investigates some of the recurring motifs in his work, themes also present in his other works of that initial and crucial moment. A young Lope, who refers to himself as a «new shepherd», contemplates an aesthetic practice that focuses
on a reflection on Art and Nature.


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How to Cite
MARCO, J. M. (2024). The Descripción del Abadía. A Stage for a New Shepherd. Cuadernos Para La Investigación De La Literatura Hispánica, (50), 197-216.