Grief, Obsession, Dramatism and Desire: the Initial Elegy of Ada Salas in «Poesía y divergencia»

Keywords: Desolation, Obsession, Dramatism, Desire, Fragment, Essential Poetry


The study seeks to analyze the most significant constants in the poetry of Ada Salas. The article analyzes how there is a series of obsessions, lived dramatically, that are reiterated during more than thirty years of a poetic work that renewed essential poetry in Spain in 1990. The stages of this evolution are also studied through the main books of each stage. Fundamentally we mean La sed and Limbo y otros poemas.


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How to Cite
Barba, R. M. (2021). Grief, Obsession, Dramatism and Desire: the Initial Elegy of Ada Salas in «Poesía y divergencia» . Cuadernos Para La Investigación De La Literatura Hispánica, (46), 31-44.