A Huge Page Proof. Interdiscursive Links in Roger Wolfe’s Early Poetry

Keywords: Roger Wolfe, Spanish poetry, Interdiscursivity, Intermediality


Roger Wolfe’s poetry, traditionally and reductively associated to Spanish «realismo sucio», has always made the reappropriation of foreign materials a founding operation of his poetic praxis. This article proposes to revise that other matrix of meanings reinterpreted by the English-Spanish poet in a corpus taken from three of his first books published between 1992 and 1994 (Días perdidos en los transportes públicos, Hablando de pintura con un ciego and Arde Babilonia). For such analysis we will appeal to the «interdiscursivity» and «intermediality».


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How to Cite
Domingo, M. (2021). A Huge Page Proof. Interdiscursive Links in Roger Wolfe’s Early Poetry. Cuadernos Para La Investigación De La Literatura Hispánica, (47), 267-292. https://doi.org/10.51743/cilh.vi47.239